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Monday, December 10, 2012

Drew and Better Half digging out the shed,
after our foot of snow last night!
Winter is back.  We were so spoiled last year!

Once we were shoveled out late last night, we went for a drive in
Better Half's 4-Wheel Drive heading towards downtown.
Drew captured this house which looked great against the snow!
But then I spotted something at another home! 
Better Half pulled up for a closer look
and THERE it was!  "FRA-GEEEE-LE!!!!!"  The Lamp!
If you have never seen A Christmas Story, the's a favorite in my family.
My brother Paul got me hooked.  He looked like "Ralphie"
when we were kids or that's how he felt,
having blond hair and being the only kid
in our family forced to wear glasses.
One year he gave me the movie
and said "you have to watch this Bits! -his nickname for me-
You'll love it as much as I do."
He was right!

Drew tried to snap a couple of shots of The Leg Lamp. 
I've seen the lamp in catalogs...
but never seen it in anyone's house window till today! 

1 comment:

  1. that i know ur blog address i can really keep up with you! what's "the lamp" all about? enlighten me...pun intended!
